Arts Equity District

Arts Equity District
acrylic and mixed media on canvas, 24” x 30”, 2020, SOLD

This is a manic mega meta sketchnote representing a year of meetings that I participated in as an arts partner and advocate for arts education with the San Francisco Unified School District. I became involved in all this as the executive director of the Arts Education Alliance of the Bay Area (I left that position in June 2020) and as director of the Where Art Lives program (which I continue to work on).

I collaged and copied notes from the meetings onto this canvas as part of my process for reflecting on my learning.

It includes portraits of many people who work passionately for and with the school district to make sure all students get the most comprehensive education possible.

This is a dense painting with a lot of content and a lot of context.

Here are some of the original sketchnotes and some explanations about who the people in the painting are and what some of the words mean.


Art and Journalism


Election week paintings